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Admission open
for ISC in Ursuline Convent English Medium School Purnea City (Bihar)- 854302
Ursuline Convent English Medium School was founded in 1967 to provide an all round education to the youth. The School is run by the Sisters of the Order of St. Ursula, in collaboration with competent and qualified staff.
To accomplish, we uphold the following values
The Sisters of the Order of St. Ursula (O.S.U) conduct several schools in India. The Order was founded in 1535 St. Angela Merici, a valiant Italian Lady, to cater for the education of girls with special emphasis on moral and spiritual formation, in response to the needs of the time.
Our school strives to prepare the students to be responsible, mature and integrated personalities. We aim at developing in our students an awareness of God's love, care and concern through which they find meaning in life and hope for the future. We seek to form thoroughly educated persons, who motivated by genuine love and the spirit of service, are alive to the needs of our times. Along with secular knowledge , we strive to instill in our students strong personal potentials and determination to use them for the good of others, thus truly becoming a loving and serving person.
Hence the aim of the school is to form the integral, spiritual and personal formation of the young so that they take to heart the well-being of their fellow beings at all stages and levels.
New admission to L.K.G are taken for children between the age group of 4 and 5 years. The school authorities concerned will make the judgement on the possibility of the child's perseverance in the school and profiting from it. Parents are well instructed for their understanding of the type of education offered and their ability to cope with it.
Admission to classes other than L.K.G depends on vacancies.
The date of birth certificate (Transfer Certificate in case of transfer) must be submitted along with the Admission form.
Studies & Curriculum
Since the medium of instruction is English, the use of English in the school campus is compulsory.
The curriculum consists of Moral Science, English Language and English Literature, Hindi, Maths, Science, History, Geography and Social Studies.
Regular attendance, alertness in class performance of regular class-tasks and revision are essentials to make progress.
For this the co-operation of the parents is essential to make progress. For this the co-operation of the parents is essential, without which the school teaching will be largely futile. For instance, if PARENTS DO NOT USE THE CORRECT ENGLISH AND HINDI IN SPEAKING with their children, the class-teaching will be of no use.
At least one calendar month's notice must be given in writing before a student is withdrawing failing which a month's fee will be charged in lieu thereof a transfer certificate will be issued only when all the dues to the school have been paid and the library books properly returned.
School Fees
The School fees cover 12 calendar months. No reduction is made for absence or holidays. All payments have to be made by the 15th of every month, failing which a late fee will be levied.
Therefore the school reserves the right to send the defaulter home and strike off his/her name from the register. Re-admission would be granted on payment of admission fee.
Guidelines for students
Freedom and autonomy are the basis of discipline. We expect the students to accept the atmosphere of the school and learn in a free and responsible manner. Freedom and responsibility have to be learnt slowly and fully accepted in an atmosphere in which students exercise judgement and make free choices about matters appropriate to their age and level of understanding. Student's mistakes are tolerated as part of the process of learning but repeated misbehavior against the spirit of the school hindering other students from peacefully learning is not tolerated even if this causes pain to the parents of the stubbornly non-cooperative students.
The School Uniform
GIRLS: Royal blue box pleated skirt with blue stripe blouse and black ribbon.
BOYS: Royal blue pants and blue stripe shirt with school Monogram.
Black shoes & white socks with stripes for all. In winter Blue cardigans with 'V' neck and blue blazer with monogram should be worn by all.
P.T. Dress
GIRLS: White box pleaded skirt with school Monogram, T-shirt and white ribbon.
BOYS: White pants (full pants for STD IV to VIII) and T-shirt, white socks for both P.T. dress is to be worn on Monday's and on special occasions. Belt and Tie Monogram to be purchased from the school.
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